Nicotine products and their health risks

Nicotine products and their health risks

Nicotine is an addictive substance that can lead to health problems. Both e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches (all white snus) contain nicotine, which is both acutely toxic and highly addictive.

Short-term effects of nicotine include impaired blood vessel function and increases in heart rate and blood pressure. These immediate consequences can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in the long term. Pregnant women should be particularly careful with nicotine, as it can pose risks to both the woman and the fetus. Products containing nicotine, such as e-cigarette liquid, can also cause poisoning, and children are particularly vulnerable to these risks.

E-cigarettes and their impact on health:

In line with the known risks of nicotine, studies show that the use of e-cigarettes can affect heart rhythm, impair blood vessel function and increase heart rate and blood pressure. These effects may ultimately increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, the use of e-cigarettes can irritate the airways and aggravate asthma. Long-term health risks of e-cigarettes are not yet fully understood and need further research.

Nicotine and its impact on health:

Currently, there is limited knowledge about the health risks of nicotine pouches (all white snus). Although detailed information is lacking, it is important to base our assessment of the risks of nicotine pouches on the existing knowledge of the harmful substances they contain. This means that we can use our existing knowledge about the health risks of nicotine to try to understand and assess the potential risks of nicotine snus, although more research is needed to provide a more comprehensive picture of its health effects.


Read more about nicotine products and their risks

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